Issuing a Refund or Credit
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to issue a refund or credit in VAULT.
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Here is a step-by-step guide on how to issue a refund or credit in VAULT.
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Refunds and credits do not apply for free, or bulk, service plans.
When Ending a Subscription, Network Administrators have the option to issue a refund to a subscriber if they are on a paid service plan. Venue Administrators will automatically issue a refund or not, depending on your default settings.
Navigate the Subscriber Details and End the Subscription Immediately. You then have two options to calculate the refund for the subscriber. You may select a "refund date," which will calculate the refund for you on a pro-rata basis based on the last invoice date and the refund date. Alternatively, you may enter a "Refund Amount" manually. Double check the Refund Amount is accurate, and click "Confirm."
Navigate to a Subscriber's Transaction History. From here, you will see a list of all successful payments from a subscriber. Click the "Refund" button in the row of the transaction you want to refund, and then click the Refund tab. You then have two options to calculate the refund for the subscriber. You may select a "refund date," which will calculate the refund for you on a pro-rata basis based on the last invoice date and the refund date. Alternatively, you may enter a "Refund Amount" manually. Double check the Refund Amount is accurate, and click "Submit."
You may also issue a credit against a subscriber's next invoice. Navigate to a Subscriber's Transaction History. From here, you will see a list of all successful payments from a subscriber. Click the "Refund" button in the row of the transaction you want to refund, and then click the Credit tab. You then have two options to calculate the credit for the subscriber. You may select a date range, which will calculate the credit for you on a pro-rata basis based on the selected range. Alternatively, you may enter a "Credit Amount" manually. Double check the Credit fund Amount is accurate, and click "Submit."