Service Plans
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create service plans in VAULT.
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Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create service plans in VAULT.
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As a Network Operator, VAULT allows you to create service plans and then Add or Remove Service Plans to Venues. This eliminates the need for Network Operators to recreate the same service plan multiple times. If your service plans have a price, you can apply discounts for Service Plans at a Venue through the Venue Shopping cart or for a unit via the Unit Shopping Cart.
When a subscriber is added to VAULT, the policies associated with the service plan are automatically configured to your network router that was added to the venue.
Service Plan Name - this is the name subscribers will see for the service plan.
Service Plan Description - this is the description subscribers will see for the service plan.
Service Plan Image - this is the image or icon users will see when signing up via the shopping cart.
External Service Plan ID - this can be your company's ID for a service plan. It will not display for customers, but will be available in webhooks and for use with API integrations.
Upload Kbps - the upload speed the subscriber will receive.
Download Kbps - the download speed the subscriber will receive.
Concurrent Devices - the number of concurrent devices a subscriber may have connected at one time. For the purpose of device concurrency, a device is considered connected until a stop packet is received or 30 minutes have lapsed since receiving an accounting packet.
Session Timeout - the number of seconds a device is allowed to remain connected before being forced to reauthenticate. We recommend setting this to, "3600."
Billing Cycle Hours - the billing cycle frequency for the service plan.
Billing Cycle Price - the price the subscriber will be charged for each Billing Cycle Hours.
Maximum Billing Cycles - the number of billing cycles a given e-mail address may be billed for.
Maximum Free Cycles - not currently active
Trial Cycles - the number of billing cycle hours that will be provided at no charge.
SMS Code - the SMS code for the service plan to be used during a SMS based sign up.
Require Service Plan? - check this box if you want this service plan to automatically be added and required at all venues.
Default Service Plan for Residential Units - check this box if you want this service plan to be the default service plan for residents at a venue, if no service plan has been added to that venue.
Default Service Plan for Guest Subscriptions - check this box if you want this service plan to be the default service plan for guests at a venue, if no service plan has been added to that venue.
To provide information for an FCC Broadband Label, select the "Broadband Label" tab from the top of the Service Plan Settings popup. For more information, visit the FCC Broadband Labels page.