View and Modify Venue Details

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to View and Modify Venue Details in VAULT.

How to Open Venue Details

The quickest way to open the Venue Details page is to find the Venue using the quick access table when you log in to the Network Operator Console. You can search for the Venue name in the "Filter" box, or click "Show More +," and scroll until you find your Venue. Once you've found it, click on the Venue to open the Venue Details Page.

Alternatively, from the Network Operator Console, you can click on "Venues," then click "View/Modify Venue," and select the Venue from the dropdown.

How To Modify Venue Details

From here, you can modify most of the information you entered when you created the venue. This includes Venue Details, Venue E-mail Settings, VLAN Ranges, and Overlapping Subscription Settings. You may also view the NAS-ID required by your Wi-Fi Controller, VAULT's Venue ID, and your External Venue ID, if applicable.

To submit your changes, click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page.

How to Modify Venue Settings

Using the tabs across the top of the Venue Details page, you may also modify a venue's available service plans, modify keypools, add Venue Administrators, update or modify venue equipment, and modify venue shopping cart settings.

Last updated

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