View and Modify Subscriber Details

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to view and modify subscriber details in VAULT .

How to Find a Subscriber and Subscription in VAULT

There are a couple of ways to find a subscriber in VAULT.

  • If you know the Subscriber's e-mail address, from your Network Operator Console->Subscribers->Subscriber Search. Enter the e-mail address of the Subscriber, and click "Search."

    • The search will return all subscriptions, past and present, for that e-mail address.

    • If the e-mail address is not an exact match, no results will be returned in the search.

  • You can also use the Subscriber Search feature to search by phone number, or view all historical subscriptions for a specific unit.

  • To view a list of all subscribers at a Venue, from the Network Operator Console->Subscribers->View/Modify Subscriber->select the Venue. You may then filter the list by searching for the subscriber's name, phone number, or part of their e-mail address.

  • To view an active subscriber in a unit, from the Network Operator Console->Venues->View/Modify Venue->select the Venue->Units. From here, you can search for a specific unit. Click on the unit in the table, then click the Subscriptions tab. If the unit has an active subscription, you may select that subscription.

How to Modify a Subscriber

Once you've found the subscriber and opened the subscriber details page, you may edit any value that is not greyed out. To save your edits, click the button that says, "Save Changes" For an explanation of each value, refer to the Add Subscribers page of the Knowledge Base.

How to Modify a Subscriber's Price

The net billing price for a subscriber is the combination of multiple values added together.

  1. The price of the service plan.

  2. Any applicable Venue discounts.

  3. Any applicable Unit discounts.

When a subscription is created, the Unit discount that was associated with the unit at the time the subscription was created is copied to the subscription as a "Subscription Discount." This lets you modify unit discounts for future subscribers or subscription discounts for an active subscription without one impacting the other.

As you enter a new "Subscription Discount," you will see the Net Billing Price update in real-time. Please note this is a preview, and you must select "Save Changes" in order to save the change. This price will be updated for the subscription's next billing cycle. It will not automatically issue a refund or a credit for the subscription.

What If I Created a Subscription At the Wrong Price?

When a subscription is created, an invoice is generated that must have a payment applied to it. Any modifications to a subscriber's price are only forward-looking. In the event this occurs, the best resolution is to delete the subscription, ensure the unit discount is set correctly, and then re-add the subscriber. Remember that because a Wi-Fi password is associated to a user, the user's existing Wi-Fi password will simply re-activate and all of their devices will automatically rejoin the network.

Where Can I Find More Information on How VAULT Handles Payments?

More Information can be found on the Shopping Cart Payment Rules page of the Knowledge Base.

Last updated

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